Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Term 4 Week 4 : Formula One Racing

Did you see F1 those car are very fast you can only hear the YEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHYOYOYO!!!! OK let be serious F1 stand for "Formula 1" it is about alot of car racing alot of people saw F1 some of them watch it at the racing track some of them watch it at the TV some of them watch at their house because thier house is near the track i did not watch the F1 racing because my parent said that it was to late so i went to sleep.

Posted by Dion Ang at 5:13 PM

Term 4 Week 3 : Recycling

I understand that we have to recycle if we keep burnning thing green smoke will come out and it is poisen you can recycle a lot of thing like metel,plastic and many more our school have recycle alot of thing like newspapers and aluminium can ok so let us help the world to recycle thing ok.

Posted by Dion Ang at 4:50 PM