Sunday, April 27, 2008

Personal Response 3: Hand,Foot Mouth Disease

It is because people may have Hand,Foot Mouth Disease that will spread to you I know that you like shopping but you have to look out for people that have Hand,Foot Mouth and you have to have a good hygiene practises first went you have finsh eating make sure you wash your hand and mouth with soap before and after you eat your food if you want to find out more go to this website

Posted by Dion Ang at 8:03 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008

Reflection 3: Friendship

. Yes, I really enjoyed the celebrations.
. I enjoyed passing the torch because I got to hold real fire.
. The school can create some online games related to friendship for us to play.

Posted by Dion Ang at 4:41 AM

Personal Response 2:Courtesy

.Courtesy means showing respect and kindness to others , regardless of gender and age.
.I like the Good Morning tale from Bangladesh, because it is funny. It should be everyone's habit to say "good morning" to each other.
. My classmates are quite courteous. The good things are that they help me with my homework sometimes and give me money. The bad things are that some of them do not lend me things. Some also choose the nicest things when the teacher gives us something.
. Greet them whenever we see them, help them when we can and respect them.

Posted by Dion Ang at 4:26 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Entry 8:Postcard Writing

Posted by Dion Ang at 9:35 PM

Entry 6:Sports carnival

I did not go to the Sports carnival because my mother do not lend me to go because my mother think that I am seleted to run in the Sports carnival to run because last year i was seleted to run and i was a little bit sick and my mother think that went i run I will die but i tell my mother that it is not about running but my mother still do not believe so i cannot go.

Posted by Dion Ang at 8:27 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reflection 2 : My dream

When I grow up I want to be a businessman because I can earn more money and make new firends.

Posted by Dion Ang at 5:24 AM

Personal Response 1:Racial harmony day

Racial harmony is about drawing cartoons or comic strips there will be events to and some of the events are compose a rap or song design a webpage write a play or story or poem make a video clip do collage many people from many religious go together.

Posted by Dion Ang at 4:56 AM